Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Parking $10 M-F 6am-6pm. Happiness FREE 24/7.

Happiness is wanting what you have - not having what you want.

Now THERE's some food for thought. I've heard this proverb a few times over the past few years and tonight, I feel like several people that I've conversed with recently could stand to recite this to themselves a few times...let it marinate.

Just imagine... being happy with what you have instead of being unhappy about what you dont. Hmph...

In the land of milk and honey, instant-credit approval and virtual access to everything under the sun... where the abundance of money offers empty promises of stability and security, happiness and satisfaction, peace of mind and possibility... where, for the right price YOU, TOO, could choose to endulge in careless sex and simply opt to buy-a-cure for A.I.D.'s almost as easily as you could buy a house... have we as a generation of hip-hop hopefuls and mini-moguls gotten so far detached from the simplicities of life and that we can no longer be satisfied without our luxuries and content with whatever state we happen to be in? Laziness and competency not withstanding, how many of YOU could honestly see yourselves operating in a mindsate of contentment regardless of your financial grade/standard of living? Would you be equally as HAPPY living in a 420 sq.ft. efficiency as you would a 8,000 sq.ft. home? Does the thought of trading in your 2006 Mercedes-Benz for a DART buspass immediately cause your heartrate to accelerate as your brain heads toward delirium? Have you ever found yourself sitting in front of your 27" TV watching MTV's Cribs, just wishing/hoping/praying for one fateful opportunity to trade in your blue-collar boyfriend for the likes of Travis Barker or Tyrese, in hopes of living a lifestyle like they do?? Take a moment to consider your 3 favorite people/most prized posessions and then how you would feel if all three of them were destroyed permanantly lost, or died...

Would you go into a depression? Or would you shake it off, accept the will of God and continue through your life with faith and happiness?

And then part B to this proverb adds that Happiness is not about having what you want. All tooooo many times I've wanted something/someone with what seems to be, my whole heart! I mean, it was something that stayed with me for a while... that the desires of my heart just WERE to attain this thing/person. But as time/God would have it, I didnt get what it was that I'd been wanting, which has repeatedly turned out to be the best thing ever. Because let's face it, things we think that look good from far, upon closer inspection (and revelation) often turn out to be far from good (for us).

In short, Happiness is not found in things/people... real Happiness is found in acheiving that peace of mind with God/self and your place in life. And on another note, its also important to realize that one person's small gesture is another person's big deal. Happiness is personal and its RELATIVE. If someone you know is happy with his/her life, leave them to their happy state. Encourage them, yes... but don't be a dream-killer and a joy-jacker. Dont you walk in reminding them of why they shouldnt be happy, or start comparing their situation to anything from their past. Instead, inspire your brothers and sisters to greatness and success by discovering your own daily happiness and leaving by example.

As I reflect on today, yeah... I'm pretty happy. I'm happy with everything that I have and VERY happy about not getting what I thought I wanted.

Get Happy!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.