Monday, December 10, 2007

Weekend Haiku #3

Text by Little Ears
Chilly clouds hug my windows
The First 48
Yeah, I know this was boring but thats the kind of weekend it was.
Go figure... at least I got some much needed rest.

Kidnapping My Thoughts

Its been quite a while since my last post. I'd gotten very VERY busy with trying to satisfy my writing deadlines and then hob-nobbing... overall, a very productive month its been. Dee and I penned a few HOT ONES and finished recording one joint that has great placement potential in the NEAR NEAR future. Excitement is an understatement.

Beau is growing like a weed, man. He's housebroken now (praise GOD!) but I'm kinda hating it because the temperature has dropped and now I have to stand outside with him while he "handles his business" versus the previous solution of potty-pads indoors. Oh well. It had to happen. And last week, Jussy made me stop picking him up to descend the lobby stairs so that he could learn to go down on his own. AND HE DID! It took him about 10 minutes, but my smart little boy finally made it to the bottom. A few additional trips up and down for practice' sake and HE'S GOT IT NOW! His little confidence is soaring right now and he's DEFINITELY feelin' like a big boy. GO BEAU BEAR!

Last week, I volunteered at the Salvation Army Disaster/Christmas Center where they sort/collect donations and it was sooooo heartwarming. I worked with a sweet elderly, retired lady named Shirley and theh ours just flew by. All I kept thinking was, in lieu of accepting gifts this year, I'd rather people do something special for someone who is genuinely in NEED. I dont need anything (besides some recording equipment and a Mac Book Pro) so if someone isn't putting something on that, just be a blessing to someone else. I'm planning on volunteering during my time off closer to Christmas. It was just too fun to not do again.

Gotta make some calls... will holla back later.


Thursday, November 15, 2007

NEWSBREAK!! Solja Boy Infiltrates Nigeria, too!

I am officially MAD at this song. Before, I was just sick of hearing it.
NOW I am concerned.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Previews & Balancing

Matthew 6:33 - "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness;and all these things shall be added unto you."
Psalm 37:4 - "Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart."
Until we make God priority, He's only going to keep giving us previews of blessings and prosperity. He's not going to give us the person-to-person love that we want until we acknowledge Him for all the LOVE that he's trying to be for us.
And I dont know about yall, but I'm sick of previews and I'm going to try harder to be a better daughter to him... to my mother. A better Summer... a brighter light. In making this decision, I realize and accept that a lot around me has to change so that a lot WITHIN ME also changes.
Thank you Lord for your patience.

Monday, November 12, 2007

A Moment of Clarity

After a long, eventfull weekend, I'm doing what I do every Monday...reflecting. I've had several random blogworthy thoughts over the past few days... here goes.
Does everything have an EXPIRATION DATE?!? This term most often refers to food... the first date by which a product is no longer valid OR SOMETIMES, the last date that a product is considered consummable. Of course, those are two different dates, so lets just pick one for the sake of this convo.
Do relationships have expiration dates? Is there a predestined moment that every relationship we have just, "goes bad"? I tend to entertain thoughts and beliefs held by most "hopeless romantics"... that there is ONE out there soooommmeewhere... that marriage and love arent circumstantial... that with patience and faith, we can all find that ONE that was predestined for us.
A lot of the time, its just best to accept the expiration date and move on. Its not even that you dislike the person, its just that your chemistry with that person has changed and is no longer compatible. The Bible references this as being "unequally yoked", but in practical terms... two people cant walk together unless they've agreed on their destination.
Its just like a rack of babyback ribs in your freezer. Although you've done what it takes to preserve them for longer than they'd have been if left unthawed, you can still only hold onto them for so long. On the outside for a while, they'll seem the same but eventually, there will be freezer burn... the visible signs of change between you and that person's communication and ability to relate to one another. By then, the composition of the ribs (and the relationship) has changed into someone thats just not healthy to digest. And no matter how much barbque sauce you baste it with or how slow you smoke 'em, they STILL aint gone taste right. Foreal! Have you ever eaten bad meat????? Makes you SICK and I do NOT want to hold onto ANYTHING or ANYONE thats harmful to me.
So I'm challenging each of you to examine the groceries in your fridge... and the people in your life. Are your relationships healthy and encouraging? Is this someone that makes you a better you!?? Or are you wasting time with people who bring you down and pollute your spirit?
I know its not spring, but it is time for some cleaning... or CLEAN-TING as Madea would say.
My semi-annual cleanup is coming up in a month or but it may happen a bit sooner. No use in holding onto something that blocking my blessing.
Holla holla!

My Weekend Haiku #2

Cast, crew, shows... tired
Warm Autumn winds drape like hugs
4 down, 4 to go

Friends??? moment of clarity
Got peace, no regrets

Curtain call, spotlight
In His arms, I'm safe...content
Thank you for reading.

Will post more later. I'm working on a pretty chill lil' piece taht I think yall will enjoy.


Friday, November 9, 2007

Choreography gone WRONG!

I was looking at Tiffany Evan's video for "Promise Ring" on Youtube and stumbled upon all these aspiring dancers' videos. This one was TOOOO hilarious and I couldnt resist posting it.

Happy Friday yall!


Thursday, November 8, 2007


Not as easy as you might think.

1. Where is your cell phone?DESK
2. Your significant other? CRUSH
3. Your hair? BUN
4. Your mother? SUPPORTIVE
5. Your father? MISSING
6. Your favorite thing? ICE
7. Your dream last night? FORGOTTEN
8. Your favorite drink? VITAMINWATER
9. Your dream/goal? SONGWRITING
10. The room you're in? OFFICE
11. Your ex? SELFISH
12. Your fear? GOD
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? MARRIED
14. Where were you last night? THEATER
15. What you're not? WORRIED
16. Muffins? FRESH
17. One of your wish list items? STUDIO
18. Where you grew up? DESOTO
19. The last thing you did? WORK
20. What are you wearing? SMILE
21. Your TV? BIG
22. Your pet(s)? BEAU
23. Your computer? HP
24. Your life? LONELY
25. Your mood? HOPEFUL
26. Missing someone? YEP
27. Your car? COUPE
28. Something you're not wearing? GLASSES
29. Favorite Store? BESTBUY
30. Your summer? RAINY
31. Your favorite color? RED
32. When is the last time you laughed? RECENTLY
33. Last time you cried? FORGOT

Better Days...

The show last nite was MARVELOUS darling... simply MMAAAAAAARRVELOUS! The sound was MUCH better and the cast really stepped out there. The audience was roaring with laughter and LRW was actually LOL'ing himself. Glad to see that. Got home insanely TIRED so I dont even think I turned my TV on, I was that sleepy. Got a pretty decent nite of rest, except I had a strange dream that I cant quite remember at this moment. Anyhoo~~ today is rather ho-hum. I have this ultra-huge, mighty-morphin power RFP for the CEO and other exec's and its really starting to urk me. BAD NEWS is that it has to be completed by 7pm today to fedex to Chicago OR somebody is gonna have to fly up there to delivery it to the client. GOOD NEWS is that today is the last day that I have to deal with this document. PRAISE GAWD!
I skipped breakfast this morning and I'm really feeling it now. SOOO hungry! But its rather chilly outside so I'm not excited about having to walk somewhere to get some eats. Uggh. Yeah, its one of those days. On the flipside, my mom and auntie are coming to see the show tonite and I'm anxious to get their feedback. Its always nice to have family support... feels GOOD! This lady was at the table last nite to buy a soundtrack and when I pointed out the songs I'd written, she got real excited. After the show she came back and introduced herself and said "You're famous!" I lol'ed and blushed and denied that proclaimation, but told her that I'm trying my hardest to put records out so that ONE DAY I can be... famous that is... not for the fame, but for the residual income that successful records reap. I'm tryin to set the family UP, okay? The kids will need some private schooling and exposure to the beauty of the world, ya know? Ish aint cheap these days!
**tummy growling**
I'll be back with some relevancy after I feed the hunger.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

If you...

…said you liked me, I'd smile.
…called me up, I'd talk.
…said something cute, I'd laugh.
…said you missed me, I'd blush.
…asked if I missed you, I'd admit.
…wanted me there, I'd come.
…asked me to stay, I'd sit.
…told me your feelings, I'd listen.
…shared your fears, I'd comfort.
…inquired of mine, I'd confide.
…promised to be true, I'd trust.
…took the lead, I'd follow.
…needed me, I'd drop everything.
…wanted me, I'd make you happy.
…felt burdened, I'd pray.
…needed vision, I'd inspire.
…were confused, I'd sort it out.
…hesitated, I'd erase doubt.
…gave me a chance, I'd love you…
Just love you like you need.
Like I want. Like I'm supposed to.
Like I hope you would love me.

The N-Word Double Standard: JBiggs vs. Summer G


Call me prejudice, but as I have mentioned before, I have a firm belief that ALL white people are inherently racist. Even if subtly. Don’t get me wrong, EVERYONE is prejudice and or racist to some degree, but I honestly believe that if it weren’t socially reprehensible to do so, the word “NIGGER” would be in heavier rotation in white people’s daily lexicon than Soulja Boy and other such coonery on BET.

Case in point, Duane “Dog the Bounty Hunter” Chapman. In case you haven’t heard his tirade click here. Apparently Dog was upset that his son, Tucker, was dating a black girl. A black girl that heard Dog and his family use the n-bomb on a regular basis and sent the story into the National Enquirer. I must commend Dog though, because when he uses the word “NIGGER”, he doesn’t use it like regular hateful racists use it, he uses it the way “nice racists” use it.... I think it’s more meaningful that way....NIGGA please!
You Billy Ray Cyrus/ Macho Man Randy Savage illegitimate-bastard-lovechild-looking, sunglasses at night wearing, low-budget 1980s WWF Ultimate Warrior, redneck trailer trash IDIOT. You were fearful that some “NIGGER” would ruin what you’d worked for for 3 decades? Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t this tape of you running your mouth effectively do that without her help? A&E has suspended the show indefinitely. Was nothing learned from the Michael Richards outburst? Was Don Imus fired in vain? The n-word is a hyper-sensitive subject right now. It’s such a touchy subject we don’t even use it when we are talking about it directly (see: “n-word”).Just an observation: isn’t it almost ironic that the three most recent white “celebs” (and I use that term loosely!!!) preaching nappy-head hatred all have hair issues of their own?
What it boils down to is the exclusivity that surrounds the word. It’s the one club in this country that white people can’t get into and it just BURNS them up. I’m in no way saying that the double standard in terms of who can use it and who can’t is in anyway justifiable, but it is what it is. For years people have asked “why is it ok for blacks to use it and not whites?” Let me attempt to clear it up for you. It’s a fraternity or country club of sorts. Omega’s can “throw the hooks”, because they are members of that organization and went through pain and torture to EARN the symbol’s usage. If a non-Omega “throws the hooks”, around actual Omegas, they are liable to receive a beat down. And rightfully so. It doesn’t belong to you, and you’re not allowed to use it. You didn’t suffer any of the anguish, nor do you OWN any of the history. The same can be argued with the n-word. In my mind at least. What do you think?
IN DOG'S DEFENSE, i will say that AT LEAST he was attempting to have a private conversation. He knew better than to use the n-word publicly and knew FULL WELL the ramifications of his usage OF said n-word going public.I mean really, I'm not arguing that its RIGHT or saying that I feel sorry for him but c'mon...HOW MANY TIMES have I lowly-utttered or privately said something racist that I didnt mean in a "i hate all non-blacks" kinda way, but I was just being crass and mean (privately). Case in point, callin rude Persians and people of Indian decent "TALIBANS"... or biligerant white folks "HONKEYS" and "PWT"... or even referring to the sneaky, fast-talkin, other-language speakin, "boong WAAA ha MOON bik UHh" lookin asians as "CHINKS"... or lazy mexicans as "WETBACKS". Its not right. Not right at all! No one should say any of those things, especially publicly. But does saying them AUTOMATICALLY condemn one to being a RACIST? Hell, I"M MIXED! My other half is of latin decent BUT I've called out a WETBACK once or twice in my lifetime. And I LOVE my people! lol
Not making excuses or even excusing... just saying. I'm guilty. But no. The N-Word is exclusive in its rights of usage and BLACK PEOPLE OWN THAT COPYRIGHT. Other races do NOT get to license that copyright either... no matter if they ARE married to/impregnated by/best friends with A BLACK PERSON. Furthermore, I think going forward we should all adhere to the follwing: only Mexicans can call themselves WETBACKS, white people only are allowed to use the terms HONKEY and Po' White Trash, and asians only can use "chinks" and "japs".
Everybody happy now?
Just my rants. What do you think?

Opening Nite... 1 Down, 7 To Go...

Its finally behind me. Opening night of "By Any Means Necessary" in Dallas. Overall, I am disappointed in the sound issues with a few characters microphones... Why? Well, I know the script so the fact that the audience didnt get the FULL EFFECT of the comedic genius in Laterras' writing makes me VERY upset. I didnt even enjoy the first act. BUT... "it" happens. Thankfully, the audience was understanding and stuck around. Heck IT WAS A PACKED HOUSE! So turn-out wise, it was a win. But again, the perfectionist in me was disappointed in the overall effect, casued by the technical difficulties. The cast was also stressed backstage over the issue but I'm proud of them. They made it work. BIG THANKS to all of those guys... Tisha, Chante, Ced, Danielle, and OMG... GUY! That Guy Torry is a hot mess! Sooooo funny. He kept it light for everyone. THANKS GUY! But God is good... it worked out in the end. I saw a couple handfuls of people accept Jesus during altar call after the show so it accomplished what it was supposed to. :-)

My other mama and her daughter and other guests came to see the show. I hope they liked it. My real mama and auntie are coming Thursday. A few relatives coming tonite. I ran into other acquaintances and it was cool... watching the audience reaction/enjoyment to my music. This morning I cracked open a fresh cd soundtrack and took it all in. FEELS GOOD to see my name on the jacket. I know its a small placement, but its a placement nonetheless. Someone somewhere is riding around listening to a song that I wrote... DOPENESS! God is the truth I tell ya!

So anyway, there are 7 more shows this week. I'll be at 5 of those. This weekend I'm hoping to get back into the studio. I just missed my deadline and I'm feeling VERY lousey about that.

But anyway, if you're in Dallas, come to the Convention Center (The Black Academy of Arts and Letters) and see the show! Its soooooooooooooo funny. I guarantee you WILL enjoy.

I'll try to post something interesting later.


Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Prayers for Baby Grace...

I discovered the following in an online article:
(CBS/AP) Police in Galveston, Texas, are going through hundreds of tips that have poured in since they released sketches of a young girl whose remains were discovered a week ago inside a storage box that washed ashore on Galveston Bay. The unidentified child has become known as "Baby Grace" and authorities are still trying to find out her identity. Her body was found by a fisherman inside a blue plastic utility box that washed ashore along the Intercoastal Waterway Authorities say forensic dental examination has narrowed the girl's age to between 2 and 3 years. She is described as white, 32 to 35 inches tall and 25 to 30 pounds. She had waist-long, wavy blond or light brown hair. She was wearing a Target-brand pink, flowing skirt, a pink or red shirt and white light-up tennis shoes with purple flowers on them. "Someone is missing a child," said Dr. Stephen Pustilnik, the Galveston County chief medical examiner. "A grandparent who hasn't seen their grandchild in the last couple of weeks, a playmate who's missing their playmate and hasn't seen him for a while, there's an aunt, there's an uncle someplace, maybe locally, maybe around the state, maybe somewhere around the nation."
My heart really goes out to the family of this child, whereever they are. How horrific and unthinkable it must be to learn that your child has been murdered and stuffed into a utility box, then set adrift. *gasps* It really is heartbreaking. I've yet to become a mother so I can only imagine what pain must be felt in a tragedy like this. Ugh. It really forces you to take a hard look at the world we live in and the people we live among... some of which have absolutely NO regard for human life.
When things like this happen and then I'm face to face with matters of society... war and terrorism... the piss-poor pollution levels and global warming... and all the other "signs of the times" as foretold in Revelations, it really makes me think looooooooooonnnnng and hard about parenting. Is it humane to even BRING a child INTO this sick, twisted world? To know that things are only getting worse and unfortunately, I wont be able to live long enough to protect them from things to come? Man, its deep. But then, I just say a prayer and hum that childhood song that my Auntie Linda (RIP) taught me back when I was about 4 years old...
"He's got the whoooolle world... in his hands. He's got the whooooolle world... in his hands. He's got the little bitty babies... in his hands. He's got the WHOLE world in his hands."
*sighs heavily*
God bless you little Baby Grace! And all the other mercilessly harmed and murdered children who now watch over us as angels from heaven.

Monday, November 5, 2007

My Weekend Haiku

Haiku (俳句, Haiku?) is a mode of Japanese poetry. The traditional haiku consisted of a pattern of 5, 7, 5 on. Haiku is one of the most important forms of traditional Japanese poetry. It should register or indicate a moment, sensation, impression or drama of a specific fact of nature. Some people meditate to create inspirational Haiku. Haiku is a very short poetic form. Traditional Japanese haiku consisted of three lines of 5, 7, and 5 units each, which are generally applied as syllables and contained a special word - the kigo - that indicated the season in which the haiku was set.

Every Monday, I'm gonna post a Haiku that sums up my weekend happenings. I figure this is a happy medium between getting to keep a journal, yet still maintain some privacy. Feel free to leave my comments in Haiku form.

Dropped balls, sore losers
Saucy ribs meet grown convo
Anxious dreamers drift

Food for thought sheds light
Mr Freeze done in thirty
Three alarms awake

Brunch feeds, phone rings, him
Smile spreads, Beau begs potty break
Pats and Boys win
Will try to post more later.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Solja Boy infiltrates white America... Crank Dat!


Texas Longhorns vs. UCF

Thursday, November 1, 2007

WHERE ARE THEY NOW?- 1990's Hit Songs Now Missing In Action

Long story short, I didnt win the contest. I didnt even make the final round. SOMEBODY(IES) decided to change the criteria at the LAST minute because only 3 legit monsters showed up sooooooo, yeah whatever. Iont even wanna talk about it anymore but JUST TRUST that the chick that won was NOT 1 of the 3 monsters that actually adhered to the contest "rules".

But let me move along before I get pissy again...

I've been updating my playlist (as you can see to the right), just adding songs that I'm fond of. I have a list of others that I cant seem to find though, and these were HOT HOT songs!! Come on... where were you when you first heard the following songs for the first time????

1. I'm So Alone (I Miss You)- Men At Large ((You never miss a good friend 'til they're gone...)) 2. Lose Control- Silk ((Last night, we had an argument. You told me you loved me...)) 3. Comforter- Shai ((I will comfort comfort comfort you. I will, I will comfort yoouuu....))
4. I Miss You- Aaron Hall ((I'm talkin to you baaybaaaay... I miss you...)) 5. All The Things Your Man Won't Do- Joe ((I wont stop until I hear your mama scream!)) 6. Housekeeper- ????? ((In the morning, I will get your breakfast baby. Get you ready for work. Let me be your housekeeper girl...))
7. Poor Georgie- MC Lyte ((George was sweet, so nice and so neat. With any other guy he didnt have to compete...)) 8. Jealous Girl- ABC ((I know you feel bad about me and my girl...)) 9. Brainstorming- MC Brains & Boyz II Men ((Brainstorming *AAAHHH** Dont want to get your feelings hurt. Say you wanna be loved by me. Well my name is MC B. ***Ohh ohhohhh***))
10. Please Dont Go- Boyz II Men ((I'll be there, I'll be right there...)) 11. Every Little Thing I Do- Soul For Real ((The way I feel baby is driving me crazy...))

And for good measure, I have to ask about The Boys hits "Lucky Charm", "A Little Romance" and whatever else they put out. Actually, I think I'ma goto Best Buy and try to find those cd's on the $5.99 rack. THE BOYS had some dope songs! Even that last album "The Saga Continues" was jammin! lol ...... But seriously, I am about to seek out these albums. It is NOT a game.

Let me know which hits I missed. I'm tired and Beau wont goto sleep 'til I do so.... HOLLA!


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Playing Dress-up for the Almighty Come-up!

For those that dont really know me, this may come as a shock BUT...

I'm not all that into Halloween. *gasp!* No really, I'm not. I think it lost its shine once I got too old to effectively trick-or-treat. I mean, it was much easier when I was about 8-12 but by the time I hit puberty the thrill was gone. Plus, I only like certain kinds of candy so all those filler-treats (generic butterscotch, jujubees, sweet tarts, etc...) were just space-takers in my jackolantern and ended up getting tossed out or pawned off on a greedy, desperate little cousin during a babysitter's round of "The Quiet Game". And then when I was in college at CAU, probably the Halloween of 1999, some thug committed a random drive-by egging which busted me SMACK in my mouth, leaving me with a busted bloody lip sooo yeah... I think that was the last time I even uttered TRICK OR TREAT. :-( But fast forward....

My property is having this super Monster Mash costume party tonite and Im actually considering entering! Surprised? Well you wont be once I reveal the 1st place prize.
A 32" Plasma TV. YES! AND a 3-month gym membership (dont need it b/c I'm already a member there) AND a $100 Gift Certificate to a pretty nice restaurant. KEWL right?!?
The images I posted above are a hint at my costume. This year, I'm gonna be.. ***DRUMROLL PLEASE*** THE SOCK MONSTER! You know, the urban-mythic creature that steals your socks while you're doing laundry!?!?! TOnite I will be scavangering (spellcheck?!?) for random socks from relatives homes. I have about an hour to collect as many ugly, mismatched socks as I can. And BEAU will be in tow... he's going as a Blue Bell Ice Cream cow. *MOOOOO*
I'll take pictures. Wish me a little luck! I'll be back later.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

You're Perfect But He Aint Ready

My GF sent me a message last month expressing her hurt and heartbreak over a guy she'd been seeing. Apparently, they'd been "dating" off and on for a period of 5 + years and recently had started seeing more of each other when BOOM! He starts hitting her with this indecisiveness that many men come with when faced with the decision of monogamy. Here is my response to her email...

No matter HOW perfect you are or how much you do to SHOW a man that you want him, UNLESS he is READY TO SETTLE DOWN, it is all for naught. I often discuss this with my male friends and 100% of them have agreed and admitted to dating at least one woman who was perfect in every desirable aspect... good credit, attractive, good career, educated, sweet, respectable, loyal, loving, good sex, etc... you name it, she's got it. BUT for them, its like, they think they have time. And until they finally decide that they want to be monogamous and have a long-term relationship, they keep on doing them. Women are just the opposite. Women find a good catch and settle down. MEN decide to settle down, then pick from whatever is most readily available... perfect or not.

I'm sorry that you're feeling so sad about this but during my first impression of him, he didnt strike me as being "good enough" for you... even on the surface. And the fact that its taken him 5+ years to "try and date you" is more evidence that he aint the MAN you need in your life. Trust me chica, when a MAN wants something/someone, there is no TRYING involved. He just does it. Impulsively and all. Sucks but its true. He's lame girl. Be glad that you CAN do better because you, my dear, are WORTH so much more than that.

I will post another installment about this subject later on but please leave comments if you came by to read.

To Blog or Not to Blog...

So I've been in mental limbo over this very issue...
Should I cease and desist from blogging??? Or should I merely limit said blogging to public subject matter? Am I too old for this whole activity altogether?
Reason being, in the last year, I've succeeded in angering two (count them, 1...2....) former acquaintances via commentary on my blog. Now mind you, the blogs were completely anonymous and vague in their verbage, but these individuals decoded the content and for whatever reason, were angry that they'd been discussed.
**insert blank stare here**
Uhhh... HELLO goofball! No one knows its about YOU! This is 150% truth I'm speaking here... no lies no fabrications! But later I learned that in both instances, those people were "busted" by their significant others and thought my "public blog" might have something to do with it.
**insert screw face here**
Uhhh... all I did was type an editorial. YOU"RE THE ONE who was living lies and messing people over! Tighten up ya pimp game, peoples!
So anyway, yeah. For the sake of avoiding situations like those, I've somewhat conceeded to just post blogs about relevant PUBLIC subject matter. Happy now, snitches??? **eeggghhhh**

Monday, October 1, 2007

So I have stalkers, eh?

Question of the day:
If you cared about someone and even went the distance of showing that person that they were special to you, what difference would it make if your association/affection for that person went public?

My answer? It becomes a problem when what you're doing is being done DECEPTIVELY and you've not been honest with one or more parties that you're also involved with (romantically).

Several happenings in the last 6 months have revealed and confirmed that yes, I am being WATCHED. Wow. I'm flattered. Really.
Honestly though, it poses no real problem because I know how to conceal what cannot be revealed. I live a very straight-forward life. Fast-paced and exciting? Yes. Scandalous and hypocritical? No.

But for those around me that do have a LOT to hide, its gotten a bit hairy and quite honestly,
pathetic. I'm too grown for this.
Grow up peoples.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Friday Fabulosity

Yes yall... it IS indeed FRIDAY and I am INDEED, still FABULOUS. ((No autographs, please.)) Today marks the kick-off for Labor Day weekend and I'm somewhat excited/joyful/anxious/relieved about knowing that 1) I'm leaving my office early and 2) I won't see this place again until Tuesday. Ahhhhh... let the vacay begin! Tonight, I'm hosting a partay with my boy from college, hit producer DJ Don Cannon from the ATL and it should be a pretty nice event. I'm excited since I've pretty much been 'on ice' for the last few months. Knowing me, I'll be in early but we'll see.
Worth 10 cool points.....
What Martin character said, "Red beans and gravy... I aint too lazy!"??????????????
5 Bonus Points if you can tell me another quote from this character.
5 MORE Bonus Points if you can actually SING the song from that scene.
HINT! THeres a video clip in the right-side toolbar of this VERY scene... lol ;-)
I gotta do something so I'll post again later........
Summer G

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

"Q&A with Summer G and Rai"

I was reading Rai's blog and she posed the following (rhetorical) questions to her readers. I'm choosing to respond to them here in my blog because I think it opens dialogue on a few subjects... or maybe just a little insight into how my mind works.

Will women ever really be happy? One minute we want something... two seconds later it all changes?
Some women will be happy. Some cant ever be happy. Its about growth.

Is there really a such thing as Mr. Right?
Yes there is a Mr. Right... often we just settle for "Mr. Right-Now" to quinch a thirst for companionship and THEEEENNN we try to TURN HIM INTO "Mr.Right" after we've fallen in love and invested emotions, effort and time into the relationship.

Are all women secretly attracted to other women? (at least sexually)
No, unless you live in ATL or your name is Rai and you have a son named Sun. (lol) Okay, I'm just joking (not really). But I know you aint trippin my nig... you're secure in yourself to take me crackin on you. Its all in fun.

Do your thoughts really determine your destiny?
Yes. You will only become as great as your mind can invision you to be. As a man thinketh, so is he. If you continually think evil thoughts, its only natural that you begin to see yourself carrying out evil deeds. The same goes for everything else. Your input determines your output. Its just that simple.

Will man/woman ever completely be satisfied with their counterpart?
Satisfaction with a counterpart can only come from satisfaction with self and maturity. DISsatisfaction is a product of insecurities and distrust... miscommunication... a whole slew of problematic issues. Maturity is the first step in addressing the issues.

Does Mr./Mrs. Perfect really exist?
No, I dont believe there has ever been born a "Mr./Mrs. Perfect", but there is a "Mr. Perfect for you". Someone created specifically for you... who knows HOW to love you the way you need to be loved... who understands that WHY he was born, was to be your protector and provider. Most times, the "Mr./Mrs. Perfect" title is related to the tangible and physical attributes, when in actuality, it SHOULD BE about how you and that person relate to one another and what you offer to each other's lives.

Why do people complain about their surroundings but neglect to change themselves.... ?
People complain because it excuses their own actions as being the cause to WHY there are in the situations they are in. If you notice, people dont complain about themselves, they complain about everyone else as it they had no part in the circumstances. These people are toxic. BEWARE!

Why are we so afraid to step outside of our comfort zone?
Stepping outside of the "comfort zone" opens you up to so many fears- rejection, failure, not measuring up, etc. To totally walk into a new situation or a new relationship requires courage and hope that even IF the unthinkable occurs, its not the end of the world and that there's still a light at the end of the tunnel. To shun change and new people/places/relationships is to say to self that "this is as good as it gets... better hold on to what i got!".

THAT WAS FUN! Thanks Rai.


Wednesday Ramblings...

This morning, I had the (pleasure) of attending an NFL Charity Luncheon with my best friend. GOOD TIMES, let me tell ya... and NOT for obvious reasons (being among the top 1% of attractive women in the room, amongst 53 players on the roster and hundreds of the city's leading philanthropists, CEO's and "who's whose". Oh no... the FUN part was people watching... and watching the people watching (me). HA! I think I put more thought into what I was gonna wear to this lil shindig than I've put into anything in a while. Hmmmm... I've got to get out more. All in all though, it was for a great cause and I'm really digging the social/charitable scene more and more these days. JUST the jump start I need for The SPARK!

Moving along~~~ me and the pig had this hypothetical discussion about current wedding trends and what is a "reasonable" budget to devote to the ceremony. By conversations' end, I'd concluded that for a household income of $200K, $20K was more than enough to devote to a wedding. Period. On the flip side, I could almost appreciate a small, intimate wedding with family and friends on a $10K budget, provided that the remaining $$$ be invested into something lucrative. Hey, I'm all about the fairytale too, but I like MAKING money... not throwing it away!

In other news~~~I'm reading a lot more these days. Reading helps me to "center" myself and my goals. It calms me down and forces me to get still, in my otherwise eventfully chaotic day. Now that I think on it, perhaps thats not really "newsworthy" but it still matters. I'd gotten so busy that my trips to B&N and Borders had become a luxury. Thats all changing now. I've learned to lighten my load and not let so many things get my attention. Its all about BALANCE now... and making time for the things that matter.

Am I rambling? Probably. Oh well, its my blog.

Backtracking a bit, the guy that sat next to me today at the luncheon was really nice... friendly... conversational... MARRIED. (lol) He talked to us the whoooollle program and by the end, was trying to "fix me up" with his attorney friend, only to disclose moments later that said attorney is 5'9". NOT THE KID! Yall know I like 'em tall so we had to Eighty-Six that notion. But I appreciated the notion. He couldn't have me so he wanted his friend to. Too thoughtful and cute, right?! lol

I'm thinking perhaps its time for ya girl to get back into the swing of dating. I've been on reserve by choice for quite some time. Maybe I'm due for a little affection. Hmmmmm....

Me thinks so.


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Knockin My Hustle...

Cant do it. Sometimes, I look at my accomplishments and I get semi-proud of myself... or rather its not pride that I feel, but a sense of resilience... strength... stamina. I know I can go the distance. Maybe thats why I keep pushing myself so hard... why I reach so high. Its crazy. And these thoughts, this blog- even crazier. Life is such a blessing. Opportunities, each and every one, are priceless. You cant look back at any chance happenings or random occurrences in your day and honestly believe that they were insignificant to your existence. That would be sheer foolishness! Not only in matters of money or love, but in LIFE! And so, I look back on the most minut details of my life... people I've met, places I've been... places I wanted to go and didnt or couldnt... maybe even people I didnt meet but wanted to. Point is, I try to not take any of these things for granted. Good and bad, joyful and painful, they've all shaped me into the Summer of today. Am I perfect? Heck no. But I'm prefectly made (fearfully and wonderfully by God) so, everything that is meant for me to become or obtain, I will. And every test or trial that I'm faced with, I can overcome because, I was perfectly made to handle JUST THAT situation. Everything I need to weather the storm is already within me. Isn't that a great comfort to have? To know that, when I goto battle that I have every weapon and skill necessary to claim the victory?!? It really doesnt get any better. God is the TRUTH!

And so anyway, I'm sitting her reflecting and hopefully, refracting a small affirmation to you that

you were BUILT for the battle. Its in you to WIN.

Get that.


Monday, June 25, 2007

A Year Older... Wiser... Happier.

Its been over a month since I've posted and even the last post wasnt about a dang thang. Everything has been moving so FAST lately. And then well, I turned 26 a couple weeks ago which was BY FAR the bestest birthday EVER....Why, you ask? Because I had an entire house full of family and friends singing (in 5 part harmony) that "I am the flower-thats-among-us". You had to be there. A truly tearjerking 5 stanzas it was.

To recap the last 60 or so days though...
Reentered corporate America after much resistance... but I'm so freegin happy with my job 'til it makes not nan bit of sense. God is GOOD! Found a new home in the heart of the city, so I'll be moving very soon... its so PLAYA PLAYA too! Can we say "Sex in the City meets Belly"? Yeah, its HAUTE! So every waking minute is spent shopping online for furniture. I've seen every website known to man woman and alien. Its become headache causing. :-( And then theres the luv life... the very luv life that I've vowed to keep private and off this site. But just know that ya girl is HAPPY and CONTENT with the current state of things. Be happy for me. *Insert smile here* Wrote a song for a very HOT HOT producer a couple weeks ago. We have to re-record this week with a new vocalist but its a dope record. Cross ya fingers... baby needs some Cantoni furniture! hehehe Started back working out in the gym recently... Today made my 6th consecutive day. YAY! I've got a 30 lb. goal.......... to reach by the end of the summer. EJ made me a meal plan today and I think I can actually do it in 6 weeks. Wanna bet me? See, I've been working out all along BUT it was all for naught because of my Boston Market Three-Side Sampler habit. My hungry-hungry hippo lookin a$$ thought that BM was a better health choice over fastfood each night for dinner sooooooooo........ for the last 2 months, I've been habitually stopping at BM for the #4 with Creamed Spinach, Sweet Potato Cassarole, Hot Cinnamon Apples and Cornbread (doesnt it taste like cake?!?)... all the while THINKING it had to be healthy for me... ITS VEGETABLES, right?! WRONG AGAIN! EJ did the Bodybugg thing today and we discovered that every time I ate that damn meal, I was ingesting about 1000 calories from that single serving. WTF!?!?!?!?!?

Needless to say, no more BM. I dont even want to tempt myself. My weakness for sweet potatoes is far too real. Instead, she has me on this meal plan that allows me 1700 calories daily... and I'm walking on a 11.0 incline at 3.8 mph on the treadmill, thanks to the suggestion of Oink. It used to be hard but its much easier now. Shannon is doing her boot camp sessions and we're both getting ready for our August 10th weigh in. Anybody got suggestions?? HOOK A SISTA UP!

No new Bill sightings. I'd hoped somehow, someway, he'd have made an appearance on my Bday... that wouldve been a PERFECT day for me. Well, it still was actually. But that came and went... as did Fathers Day. I really hope we talk soon. And strangely enough, same for an old high school "friend". This chick that I was close with during my senior year, and well, something of a misunderstanding came in between our friendship. Yeah it had to be that and some jealousy... seriously. And we've crossed paths in recent years when its been nothing but the fear of an assault charge from keeping me off that ass... because it would anger me that her stupidity threw out a good friendship over some BS and THEN had the nerve to be messy about it. WTF!? IS YOU SURRRRUS? But with time and wisdom comes patience, understanding and... get-over-it-ness. I'm over the drama. I'd like to talk to her. Air things out. Extend an olive branch, so to speak. Life is short and holding a grudge over her is NOT worth my blessings. No sir.

26 is already showing me wonderful possibilities and growth!
Thank you for being in my life, yall!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

I'm traffickin' that (Grade B Maple) Sizurp!

So I'm leaving my office today and its roughly 6pm-ish... and I'm in the middle of Downtown. Normally, at this time of the day the traffic has tappered off. In light of the dark (thunderstorm) that blanketed the city an hour prior, DT was gridlocked. So as I sat at the intersection of Ross and St. Paul, I contemplated my options.

Do I go my normal route on 45 and skirt around the outer limits to my destination? Or do I turn around and hit the Woodall Rogers to hop on 35, which is a more direct route, but sure to be packed like a slave ship? Do I turn around and wait it out at my office until 7pm which hopefully will mean less congestion because DAMN my gas light DID come on during my drive IN this morning and sitting here for 30 minutes and traveling less than a mile is BOUND to deplete the petroleum supply, potentially rendering me STRANDED on somebody's interstate, lest I should neglect to "fill'er up" before I arrive home? Decisions, decisions. I ended up wading thru the traffic and getting on 45... but while I sat there driving, I had many interesting thoughts..... It went a lil bit like this...

6:04pm ((exiting the parking garage))- DANG its a lot of cars on the street... Aint nobody gonna let me in. Oh wait! Caught the Waste Management truck slippin. I'm SKIPPIN YOU dude! (Cutting thru traffic) Times like this, I appreciate that I drive a coupe. Damn a 4x4! Yoooo! That Avalanche saw me trying to get over. Bastard! I bet its a no-driving mexican.((sees the stereotypical olde english surname across the backglass)) Yep. I knew it. 6:20 ((less than .33 miles covered))Lalala... (singing "Outta my System")) "I miss the smiling faces in my sidekick, outta town visits, all the time we spendtogether... (memories kick in) and then as always, I'm within a close proximity of Nick's house... singing this damn song that reminds me of what was(not), as does this intersection. Consider calling him for temporary shelter from this weather/traffic but decide that would be TRULY detrimental to the progress I've made by silencing all communication. Damn, I need to get a manicure tomorrow. (looks in the rearview) AND my roots are hideous! Wont be no socializing this weekend for ME unless my favorite Asian can get these dreaded-locks, "chopstick straight"... and at least of the same hue, horizontally that is. 6:25 ((I've moved up about 2 car spaces)) Its gonna be nice to live down here again. If I'd already moved by now, I'd probably have walked this morning and subsequently, had to walk home in the rain with an umbrella... and potentially have been struck by lightning on my way home because I think my umbrella-ella-ella-ella (sing it Rhianna!) has a metal piece on the top. And I JUST saw that story on Fox4News about that man who caught a lightning strike on camera, where two kids were within inches of being struck. And I aint ready to die... I have a new ultrachic pad to move into... and an empire to run... and other empires to trample like "pink cookies in a plastic bag getting crushed by buildings" (stop lickin your lips LL), and Apple is turning 2 next month, I'm weeks away from my 26th, I HAVE SO MUCH TO LIVE FOR! *gasps!* What if I'd walked and got struck(en)? No pretty little (bad assed) children named Winter Noelle and Autumn Loren and Cipriano Terrell _____ and a Mr. John _____, my ultra-fabulous husband who knows the exact # of freckles on my face... that I will help put on his Depends (in our old age of course)... no romantic getaways to Mykonos Islands, Greece... no FABULOUS at 50 Birthday party for yours truly?
((kisses imaginary rosary, does a few air "hail Mary's" and assimilates the ever-popular "anointing head with oil" on my forehead... all for good measure.)) But I'm alive. And I'm safe... thank you God.
But foreal does that mean that when I DO move, I'll be driving less than .1 mile to work just to avoid getting caught out in the elements? Elijah says I wont want to walk once it gets hot this summer, but I beg to differ. It aint that far. Really. 6:30 ((Some crinkly micro-braid wearing trannie pulls along side my car, lots of open space ahead of shim, yet heshe's sitting idle beside me... Bitch must think heshe's gone skip. NOOOOOTT! ((scoots closer to the Fake-Phantom (read:Chrysler 300) so that shim cant slide in front. I've been sitting here TOO dang long. I am not in the mood. ((Flip to 97.9... Bow Wow and T-Pain are crooning again... here I go again yall!)) "I'm too attached my heart wont let me fall back. I got it bad thats what you could call that..." Thoughts shift back to Nick. GET THEE BEHIND ME SATAN! If I rubuketh thee, then thee must flee! Git! Scat! (This whole Nick thing really bothers me at times... certain songs trigger emotions I guess) Okay anyway, I'm still burning gas and facing eminant stallege (spellcheck? BRAINFART!) if I dont either get to gettin', or stop and get some gas. Shit! Shigetty Shit! Shit! Shit! 6:34 (stomach growling) I started this Master Cleanse diet today and despite that it was going HELLA GOOD during the day, I want some CHICKEN SALAD dammit! But hell, I cannot just give up after I impulsively spent $40 (that was not in my original allotment of cash for the day) in Ann's Health Food today getting all the proper ingredients for this lemonade diet (that allegedly worked for Benonsense, should work for me!) ANNNND I even bought that damn canary-yellow, staple-bound book thats supposed to "coach" me thru the diet (said the over-enthusiastic white man in Ann's) even though he said not to feel pressured to buy it and that I could come in and read at my own leisure, but me, considering the many NIGGA-RISMS of my people, thought it'd be a show of good-faith to just pay $6.99 for the damn thing and not be trifling but DAMMIT, I read the ENTIRE book cover to cover by 2pm (it wasnt that busy today) that was a waste of money... so there i SAT, hungrier than Ruben Studdard in the AI greenroom immediately after Corner Bakery dropped off their Pastry-trays. ((That cream strudle cake is the LICK though!)) So around 6:45 I end up getting ON 45 and the whole way, I weigh the pro and cons for staying on this Master Cleanse. And the recurring vision was of ME in a bikini, rivaling Gabby Reese on South Miami Beach... taunting her in the soft, almost indeciferable tone of Diddy (Hey Gabby! Take that, take that, take that!). But it was shortlived.

I got a bowl of Chicken Salad when I walked it. Saltines and all. I think I'm gonna have to alter this lemonade diet to my own likeness.

The word of today is FAILURE. Spelled H-U-N-G-R-Y-A-N-D-B-I-T-C-H-Y! But in keeping with my typical hustla-mentality, if it turns out that I forfeit the Master Cleanse, then I have 7/8 of my bottle of Grade B Maple syrup, 1/2 a jar of Cheyenne Pepper and about 15 oz. of Pure lemon juice. Anyone wanna PayPal me $10 for this lot? I'll throw the book in for $2. **justjoking**

Holla back.

Summer G

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Will update tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Parking $10 M-F 6am-6pm. Happiness FREE 24/7.

Happiness is wanting what you have - not having what you want.

Now THERE's some food for thought. I've heard this proverb a few times over the past few years and tonight, I feel like several people that I've conversed with recently could stand to recite this to themselves a few times...let it marinate.

Just imagine... being happy with what you have instead of being unhappy about what you dont. Hmph...

In the land of milk and honey, instant-credit approval and virtual access to everything under the sun... where the abundance of money offers empty promises of stability and security, happiness and satisfaction, peace of mind and possibility... where, for the right price YOU, TOO, could choose to endulge in careless sex and simply opt to buy-a-cure for A.I.D.'s almost as easily as you could buy a house... have we as a generation of hip-hop hopefuls and mini-moguls gotten so far detached from the simplicities of life and that we can no longer be satisfied without our luxuries and content with whatever state we happen to be in? Laziness and competency not withstanding, how many of YOU could honestly see yourselves operating in a mindsate of contentment regardless of your financial grade/standard of living? Would you be equally as HAPPY living in a 420 sq.ft. efficiency as you would a 8,000 sq.ft. home? Does the thought of trading in your 2006 Mercedes-Benz for a DART buspass immediately cause your heartrate to accelerate as your brain heads toward delirium? Have you ever found yourself sitting in front of your 27" TV watching MTV's Cribs, just wishing/hoping/praying for one fateful opportunity to trade in your blue-collar boyfriend for the likes of Travis Barker or Tyrese, in hopes of living a lifestyle like they do?? Take a moment to consider your 3 favorite people/most prized posessions and then how you would feel if all three of them were destroyed permanantly lost, or died...

Would you go into a depression? Or would you shake it off, accept the will of God and continue through your life with faith and happiness?

And then part B to this proverb adds that Happiness is not about having what you want. All tooooo many times I've wanted something/someone with what seems to be, my whole heart! I mean, it was something that stayed with me for a while... that the desires of my heart just WERE to attain this thing/person. But as time/God would have it, I didnt get what it was that I'd been wanting, which has repeatedly turned out to be the best thing ever. Because let's face it, things we think that look good from far, upon closer inspection (and revelation) often turn out to be far from good (for us).

In short, Happiness is not found in things/people... real Happiness is found in acheiving that peace of mind with God/self and your place in life. And on another note, its also important to realize that one person's small gesture is another person's big deal. Happiness is personal and its RELATIVE. If someone you know is happy with his/her life, leave them to their happy state. Encourage them, yes... but don't be a dream-killer and a joy-jacker. Dont you walk in reminding them of why they shouldnt be happy, or start comparing their situation to anything from their past. Instead, inspire your brothers and sisters to greatness and success by discovering your own daily happiness and leaving by example.

As I reflect on today, yeah... I'm pretty happy. I'm happy with everything that I have and VERY happy about not getting what I thought I wanted.

Get Happy!


This Is What Happens When You Lie...

This day has been HILARITY at its finest. Some people just really dont know when to leave well enough alone. **shame on you** My older blog was accidentally deleted today... or perhaps hacked into... (stranger things have happened)... but not to worry...
Everything was archived and I'm in the process of rebuilding. In the meantime, feel free to leave me a comment about what you'd like to read on this new spot. I'm thinking of some serious interior decorating to spruce up the place. ;)
And dont y'all dare worry about whether or not this spot will be as entertaining as the last........
TRUST... you aint read NOTHIN yet!!!
