Wednesday, August 29, 2007

"Q&A with Summer G and Rai"

I was reading Rai's blog and she posed the following (rhetorical) questions to her readers. I'm choosing to respond to them here in my blog because I think it opens dialogue on a few subjects... or maybe just a little insight into how my mind works.

Will women ever really be happy? One minute we want something... two seconds later it all changes?
Some women will be happy. Some cant ever be happy. Its about growth.

Is there really a such thing as Mr. Right?
Yes there is a Mr. Right... often we just settle for "Mr. Right-Now" to quinch a thirst for companionship and THEEEENNN we try to TURN HIM INTO "Mr.Right" after we've fallen in love and invested emotions, effort and time into the relationship.

Are all women secretly attracted to other women? (at least sexually)
No, unless you live in ATL or your name is Rai and you have a son named Sun. (lol) Okay, I'm just joking (not really). But I know you aint trippin my nig... you're secure in yourself to take me crackin on you. Its all in fun.

Do your thoughts really determine your destiny?
Yes. You will only become as great as your mind can invision you to be. As a man thinketh, so is he. If you continually think evil thoughts, its only natural that you begin to see yourself carrying out evil deeds. The same goes for everything else. Your input determines your output. Its just that simple.

Will man/woman ever completely be satisfied with their counterpart?
Satisfaction with a counterpart can only come from satisfaction with self and maturity. DISsatisfaction is a product of insecurities and distrust... miscommunication... a whole slew of problematic issues. Maturity is the first step in addressing the issues.

Does Mr./Mrs. Perfect really exist?
No, I dont believe there has ever been born a "Mr./Mrs. Perfect", but there is a "Mr. Perfect for you". Someone created specifically for you... who knows HOW to love you the way you need to be loved... who understands that WHY he was born, was to be your protector and provider. Most times, the "Mr./Mrs. Perfect" title is related to the tangible and physical attributes, when in actuality, it SHOULD BE about how you and that person relate to one another and what you offer to each other's lives.

Why do people complain about their surroundings but neglect to change themselves.... ?
People complain because it excuses their own actions as being the cause to WHY there are in the situations they are in. If you notice, people dont complain about themselves, they complain about everyone else as it they had no part in the circumstances. These people are toxic. BEWARE!

Why are we so afraid to step outside of our comfort zone?
Stepping outside of the "comfort zone" opens you up to so many fears- rejection, failure, not measuring up, etc. To totally walk into a new situation or a new relationship requires courage and hope that even IF the unthinkable occurs, its not the end of the world and that there's still a light at the end of the tunnel. To shun change and new people/places/relationships is to say to self that "this is as good as it gets... better hold on to what i got!".

THAT WAS FUN! Thanks Rai.


1 comment:

The OE said...

I'm Mr. Right, Right Now, Always, and Everything. Plus, I'm very humble.