Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Wednesday Ramblings...

This morning, I had the (pleasure) of attending an NFL Charity Luncheon with my best friend. GOOD TIMES, let me tell ya... and NOT for obvious reasons (being among the top 1% of attractive women in the room, amongst 53 players on the roster and hundreds of the city's leading philanthropists, CEO's and "who's whose". Oh no... the FUN part was people watching... and watching the people watching (me). HA! I think I put more thought into what I was gonna wear to this lil shindig than I've put into anything in a while. Hmmmm... I've got to get out more. All in all though, it was for a great cause and I'm really digging the social/charitable scene more and more these days. JUST the jump start I need for The SPARK!

Moving along~~~ me and the pig had this hypothetical discussion about current wedding trends and what is a "reasonable" budget to devote to the ceremony. By conversations' end, I'd concluded that for a household income of $200K, $20K was more than enough to devote to a wedding. Period. On the flip side, I could almost appreciate a small, intimate wedding with family and friends on a $10K budget, provided that the remaining $$$ be invested into something lucrative. Hey, I'm all about the fairytale too, but I like MAKING money... not throwing it away!

In other news~~~I'm reading a lot more these days. Reading helps me to "center" myself and my goals. It calms me down and forces me to get still, in my otherwise eventfully chaotic day. Now that I think on it, perhaps thats not really "newsworthy" but it still matters. I'd gotten so busy that my trips to B&N and Borders had become a luxury. Thats all changing now. I've learned to lighten my load and not let so many things get my attention. Its all about BALANCE now... and making time for the things that matter.

Am I rambling? Probably. Oh well, its my blog.

Backtracking a bit, the guy that sat next to me today at the luncheon was really nice... friendly... conversational... MARRIED. (lol) He talked to us the whoooollle program and by the end, was trying to "fix me up" with his attorney friend, only to disclose moments later that said attorney is 5'9". NOT THE KID! Yall know I like 'em tall so we had to Eighty-Six that notion. But I appreciated the notion. He couldn't have me so he wanted his friend to. Too thoughtful and cute, right?! lol

I'm thinking perhaps its time for ya girl to get back into the swing of dating. I've been on reserve by choice for quite some time. Maybe I'm due for a little affection. Hmmmmm....

Me thinks so.


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