Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Knockin My Hustle...

Cant do it. Sometimes, I look at my accomplishments and I get semi-proud of myself... or rather its not pride that I feel, but a sense of resilience... strength... stamina. I know I can go the distance. Maybe thats why I keep pushing myself so hard... why I reach so high. Its crazy. And these thoughts, this blog- even crazier. Life is such a blessing. Opportunities, each and every one, are priceless. You cant look back at any chance happenings or random occurrences in your day and honestly believe that they were insignificant to your existence. That would be sheer foolishness! Not only in matters of money or love, but in LIFE! And so, I look back on the most minut details of my life... people I've met, places I've been... places I wanted to go and didnt or couldnt... maybe even people I didnt meet but wanted to. Point is, I try to not take any of these things for granted. Good and bad, joyful and painful, they've all shaped me into the Summer of today. Am I perfect? Heck no. But I'm prefectly made (fearfully and wonderfully by God) so, everything that is meant for me to become or obtain, I will. And every test or trial that I'm faced with, I can overcome because, I was perfectly made to handle JUST THAT situation. Everything I need to weather the storm is already within me. Isn't that a great comfort to have? To know that, when I goto battle that I have every weapon and skill necessary to claim the victory?!? It really doesnt get any better. God is the TRUTH!

And so anyway, I'm sitting her reflecting and hopefully, refracting a small affirmation to you that

you were BUILT for the battle. Its in you to WIN.

Get that.


1 comment:

CRay said...

AMEN Sista! That is what I am talking about! Live in your purpose! It is the only way to live!

Luv Ya Girl,