Thursday, November 8, 2007

Better Days...

The show last nite was MARVELOUS darling... simply MMAAAAAAARRVELOUS! The sound was MUCH better and the cast really stepped out there. The audience was roaring with laughter and LRW was actually LOL'ing himself. Glad to see that. Got home insanely TIRED so I dont even think I turned my TV on, I was that sleepy. Got a pretty decent nite of rest, except I had a strange dream that I cant quite remember at this moment. Anyhoo~~ today is rather ho-hum. I have this ultra-huge, mighty-morphin power RFP for the CEO and other exec's and its really starting to urk me. BAD NEWS is that it has to be completed by 7pm today to fedex to Chicago OR somebody is gonna have to fly up there to delivery it to the client. GOOD NEWS is that today is the last day that I have to deal with this document. PRAISE GAWD!
I skipped breakfast this morning and I'm really feeling it now. SOOO hungry! But its rather chilly outside so I'm not excited about having to walk somewhere to get some eats. Uggh. Yeah, its one of those days. On the flipside, my mom and auntie are coming to see the show tonite and I'm anxious to get their feedback. Its always nice to have family support... feels GOOD! This lady was at the table last nite to buy a soundtrack and when I pointed out the songs I'd written, she got real excited. After the show she came back and introduced herself and said "You're famous!" I lol'ed and blushed and denied that proclaimation, but told her that I'm trying my hardest to put records out so that ONE DAY I can be... famous that is... not for the fame, but for the residual income that successful records reap. I'm tryin to set the family UP, okay? The kids will need some private schooling and exposure to the beauty of the world, ya know? Ish aint cheap these days!
**tummy growling**
I'll be back with some relevancy after I feed the hunger.

1 comment:

J-Bigg said...

Yo, I didn't feel like standing in line after the show last night, can you grab me a copy of the soundtrack? I'd pay for it of course, and I'd like you to sign it. Some people would call it an autograph, but since I know you, it'll just be a signature. :) I love ya girlie!

Oh yeah and the show was genuinely HILARIOUS. Guy Torry is a funny dude!