Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The N-Word Double Standard: JBiggs vs. Summer G


Call me prejudice, but as I have mentioned before, I have a firm belief that ALL white people are inherently racist. Even if subtly. Don’t get me wrong, EVERYONE is prejudice and or racist to some degree, but I honestly believe that if it weren’t socially reprehensible to do so, the word “NIGGER” would be in heavier rotation in white people’s daily lexicon than Soulja Boy and other such coonery on BET.

Case in point, Duane “Dog the Bounty Hunter” Chapman. In case you haven’t heard his tirade click here. Apparently Dog was upset that his son, Tucker, was dating a black girl. A black girl that heard Dog and his family use the n-bomb on a regular basis and sent the story into the National Enquirer. I must commend Dog though, because when he uses the word “NIGGER”, he doesn’t use it like regular hateful racists use it, he uses it the way “nice racists” use it.... I think it’s more meaningful that way....NIGGA please!
You Billy Ray Cyrus/ Macho Man Randy Savage illegitimate-bastard-lovechild-looking, sunglasses at night wearing, low-budget 1980s WWF Ultimate Warrior, redneck trailer trash IDIOT. You were fearful that some “NIGGER” would ruin what you’d worked for for 3 decades? Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t this tape of you running your mouth effectively do that without her help? A&E has suspended the show indefinitely. Was nothing learned from the Michael Richards outburst? Was Don Imus fired in vain? The n-word is a hyper-sensitive subject right now. It’s such a touchy subject we don’t even use it when we are talking about it directly (see: “n-word”).Just an observation: isn’t it almost ironic that the three most recent white “celebs” (and I use that term loosely!!!) preaching nappy-head hatred all have hair issues of their own?
What it boils down to is the exclusivity that surrounds the word. It’s the one club in this country that white people can’t get into and it just BURNS them up. I’m in no way saying that the double standard in terms of who can use it and who can’t is in anyway justifiable, but it is what it is. For years people have asked “why is it ok for blacks to use it and not whites?” Let me attempt to clear it up for you. It’s a fraternity or country club of sorts. Omega’s can “throw the hooks”, because they are members of that organization and went through pain and torture to EARN the symbol’s usage. If a non-Omega “throws the hooks”, around actual Omegas, they are liable to receive a beat down. And rightfully so. It doesn’t belong to you, and you’re not allowed to use it. You didn’t suffer any of the anguish, nor do you OWN any of the history. The same can be argued with the n-word. In my mind at least. What do you think?
IN DOG'S DEFENSE, i will say that AT LEAST he was attempting to have a private conversation. He knew better than to use the n-word publicly and knew FULL WELL the ramifications of his usage OF said n-word going public.I mean really, I'm not arguing that its RIGHT or saying that I feel sorry for him but c'mon...HOW MANY TIMES have I lowly-utttered or privately said something racist that I didnt mean in a "i hate all non-blacks" kinda way, but I was just being crass and mean (privately). Case in point, callin rude Persians and people of Indian decent "TALIBANS"... or biligerant white folks "HONKEYS" and "PWT"... or even referring to the sneaky, fast-talkin, other-language speakin, "boong WAAA ha MOON bik UHh" lookin asians as "CHINKS"... or lazy mexicans as "WETBACKS". Its not right. Not right at all! No one should say any of those things, especially publicly. But does saying them AUTOMATICALLY condemn one to being a RACIST? Hell, I"M MIXED! My other half is of latin decent BUT I've called out a WETBACK once or twice in my lifetime. And I LOVE my people! lol
Not making excuses or even excusing... just saying. I'm guilty. But no. The N-Word is exclusive in its rights of usage and BLACK PEOPLE OWN THAT COPYRIGHT. Other races do NOT get to license that copyright either... no matter if they ARE married to/impregnated by/best friends with A BLACK PERSON. Furthermore, I think going forward we should all adhere to the follwing: only Mexicans can call themselves WETBACKS, white people only are allowed to use the terms HONKEY and Po' White Trash, and asians only can use "chinks" and "japs".
Everybody happy now?
Just my rants. What do you think?


J-Bigg said...

Great points. But did you have to title it that? Like we are on some primetime title bout!

Anonymous said...

My Two Cents:
NOBODY should use it. The denotation means "lazy", but that word was taken and given a whole new connotation. We all know when it is being said that it is not in an adjective sort of way, it is a euphemism used to degrade and hurt. In a world where others (and they know who I am talking about) are trying there damnedest to be a part of "our" culture, if we are continually using that word, of course they are going to use it. I have to agree with Summer, I used to slang all those euphemisms, DAILY. But I would lose it if someone called me the n-word or even said it that didn't "own the rights". That's when I realized, when I make it part of my everyday life, so will others. We are living in a world of conformity, where it is "hot" to say this or some variation of that. I am not condemning those that use it, I am simply saying you get what you give and if you give the impression that that word is okay, you are going to get that word right back in your face.

I feel that if we are going to make a fuss, let's fuss about all the things unjust. Let's fuss about the derogatory Washington Redskins team name, let's fuss about Ian Fleming(creator of James Bond) having a chapter in one of his books called "Nigger Heaven"(I bet you have seen at least one James Bond movie), let's fuss about the word "picnic", let's fuss about Katrina, let's fuss about Jena, let's fuss about Al Sharpton's hair. History has given us so much to fuss about that we won't have time to better ourselves or do whatever it is we expect to come from this country.

So here it is in a nutshell (not a "nigger toe nut" or Brazilian nut, look it up): If you want to stop the word from being used, stop using it. If you feel like you own it, treat it like everything else you own. Know that it is yours for the time being, but someone else is always going to want it, try and take it, or just plain get one like yours. Don't make a fuss about it unless you plan to do something about it.